Clicking on the images will increase their size. Clicking the hyperlink under the images will open the interactive mindmap. Because of limitations of the mind map viewer, the interactive maps may behave slightly different from the maps you download on your computer and view with Freeplane.

General Freeplane mind maps

What is mind mapping

applet|Café Chocolat

Freeplane Application areas

Freeplane functions

Meeting support - Beginner

Meeting support - Advanced

Collection - Beginner

Collection - Advanced

My Vault - Advanced

Action dashboard

SWOT analysis

applet|Node Template Script with "Notes and References" database Example

applet|Activity Cost Allocation

applet|Formulas: General Balance form

applet|Bayes theorem: arithmetic calculations in nodes

applet|Bayes theorem: arithmetic calculations in attributes

applet|Bayes theorem: Formula calculations in attributes

applet|Industry and Manufacturing industries

applet|USA Economic and Regional Structures

applet| Types of free or floating nodes

applet|Multiple sorts of floating central nodes

applet|Floating Nodes in DigitalLogic

applet|Iron Sulfate Production Calculations

applet|Iron Sulfate Production-AAGG

![](Example - ConceptMap.jpg) applet|Example concept map

applet|Example summary nodes

Map as documentation

applet|Problem Solving Tools Tool Map

![](DesigningWindowsApplications Screenshot.png) applet|Designing .NET 4 Windows (Desktop) Applications

applet|Representational State Transfer (REST)

For more information about these maps see Freeplane Tutorial Extensions and the (hidden) information in the interactive maps when you hover or unfold the nodes.


Galleries in other languages than English

In alphabetical order: