For UBUNTU, see here
'''Update: Freeplane is packaged for Debian/Ubuntu => just run: apt-get install freeplane
The following steps are recommended if the Freeplane package for your distro is out of date:
Download the Freeplane zipfile, and extract its contents to the folder of your choosing (e.g. ~/local/freeplane-xxxx , where xxxx is a version-number).
Create a freeplane symlink to ~/local/freeplane-xxxx:
ln -nsf ~/local/freeplane-xxxx ~/local/freeplane
(optional) If you have a ~/bin folder which is in your shell path, you can create a symlink to the freeplane start-script:
ln -s ~/local/freeplane/ ~/bin/freeplane
If you do that you should now be able to run freeplane from the commandline by simply typingfreeplane
. -
Finally, to add an icon which will show up in your applications menu, save the following text to the file
[Entry](Desktop) Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Freeplane Exec=/bin/sh /home/YOUR-USERNAME/local/freeplane/ %f Terminal=false Icon=/home/YOUR-USERNAME/local/freeplane/freeplane.svg Type=Application MimeType=application/x-freemind Categories=Application;Office; GenericName=Freeplane Comment=A free mind mapping tool
(for more details on why adding this file works, see the XDG Desktop Menu Specification, which is followed by all major linux desktop-environments)
Now, any time you wish to update your Freeplane application, just repeat steps 1 and 2.